Our Story
It all started in October 2016. Co-owners, Brigitte Price and Amanda Leibel, were looking for a new adventure and when Brigitte visited an oil and vinegar tasting room in Manitoba, she knew that may be it! After plenty of research and planning, OLEA Oil & Vinegar Tasting Room opened its doors in downtown Swift Current.

OLEA (oh-lee-ah) was inspired by the olive tree and the Oleaceae family of plants to which it belongs.
With over 50 flavours of bulk oils and vinegars available on tap, the OLEA experience lets you sample flavours in our tasting room and your bottles are filled fresh in store.
We also carry a variety of gourmet foods, condiments, and spices including locally produced products such as Prairie Field Honey, Badlands Coffee, Gravelbourg Mustard, and Pueblo Chili Co.
You can find us in downtown Swift Current on Central Avenue North.
Our Supplier
Our bulk oils and vinegars are supplied by Veronica Foods, a family business based in Oakland, California since 1924.
With a growing focus on oil and vinegar, Veronica Foods purchased their own olive grove in the North African country of Tunisia in 1997. On this site they produce the finest conventional olive oil, organic olive oil and fused whole fruit citrus olive oils.
Veronica Foods is committed to the highest standards of quality throughout the entire production of oils from the olive grove, to the mill, and then finally to tasting rooms like OLEA.